(267) 389-9218

Dr. Gina Formica, DPT

Dr. Gina Formica is IHS’s Rehabilitation Services Director.   Gina is a doctor of physical therapy with 33 years of total experience in a wide variety of physical therapy venues.  For the last four years, she has also worked as a senior physical therapist with Industry Health Solutions (IHS) at the Clemens Food Group office in Hatfield, Pennsylvania.  There, she provides Direct Access medical evaluation to all musculoskeletal injuries, as well as treating injured workers, supervising the rehab department, performing post-offer employment testing, and treating primary care (non-work related)  musculoskeletal injuries for the Clemens team and their family members.  She is bilingual and uses those skills to better connect with and understand her non-English speaking patients and enjoys learning new languages to expand those connections.   She has been integral in developing a close connection with the Clemens Team and assisting in expanding our footprint with the company in Cold Water Michigan.

Gina has deep roots in Souderton Pennsylvania, graduating from Souderton High School, attending Calvary Church in Souderton and raising her three children there.  She balances her life through church, friends, cycling, motorcycling and making hand-made jewelry in her spare time.