According to the US Department of Agriculture, meat and poultry plants employed nearly 31% of the United States food and beverage manufacturing workers in 2021. This translates to over 1.7 million workers in the US alone. These individuals are involved in the slaughtering, processing, packaging, and distribution of meat for edible and non-edible products. Countless hours and many moving parts expose these workers to a myriad of repetitive tasks that make them susceptible to a wide variety of potential hand illnesses and injuries. Many of these illnesses and injuries can lead to finger stiffness, either as a direct result of trauma specifically to the joints of the finger or as a secondary side effect. The loss of finger range of motion (ROM) limits full grasp and impairs the ability to hold a knife, hook, or other instrument necessary to efficiently complete their jobs. Manual therapy techniques applied during physical therapy can help industrial workers recover from this condition.
Finger Stiffness Recovery and Recordables
At Industry Health Solutions (IHS) our staff works tirelessly to reduce risk and improve patient outcomes for our team members. However, for those patients with hand or wrist injuries, finger stiffness can be a stumbling block to full recovery and delay return to work status. This increases the company’s D.A.R.T. Rate, a score to measure OSHA workplace injury and illnesses that result in Days Away from work, Restricted duty, or permanent Transfer to another job.
Tailored Treatment Plans to Restore Finger Range of Motion
Understanding the true cause of the range of motion (ROM) loss is crucial in establishing an effective treatment program for stiff fingers. Integral structures include but are not limited to the joint capsule, ligaments, volar plate, intrinsic muscles, lumbricals and the extrinsic wrist/finger flexors and extensors, each yield a slightly different treatment plan to free up the finger and successfully complete a full composite grasp. Industry Health Solutions’ educated and experienced staff are well-equipped to provide the best possible treatment for hand and wrist injuries, including the ability to address finger stiffness effectively, for the team members we serve.
Contact Industry Health Solutions for help in preventing and treating hand injuries to improve your team’s on-the-job experience.